Our silver — Georgian, Victorian and earlier, 'inspired smalls' and unusual collectables.
Our entire stock of antique silver is to be found on this website, behind the links on the right. Each item is fully illustrated. There is also a page of modern silver artefacts.
Where is what I want...?
There are 1,000 or more pieces of antique silver on this site at any one time — many are quite difficult to classify. Your field of interest may, in consequence, be represented in a number of the pages listed to the right of this text.
Each piece of antique silver, however early or late, has been individually selected as genuine ― we are notoriously fussy about condition and do not buy repaired pieces.
Shipping — after a full report
Before any item is shipped, we email a detailed condition report to ensure that what you get is what you want — with no hidden surprises. We also prefer to arrange payment and delivery by telephone to ensure that your purchase arrives as and when you want it.
We do not keep...
Our stock of 20th century silver is small: we do not normally keep electro-plated silver or 19th century American artefacts, though we have a few pieces of Sheffield Plate.
Goods 'On consignment'
Items that are entrusted to us for sale appear in our stock-lists characterized by the letter 'z' after the stock number. The Conditions for Sale which apply to such items differ in detail from our normal terms, as described on our "How we work" page.
This site
Pieces which are sold should sport a sticker within the week. Fresh purchases are posted once a month, near the end of each month.